Orange Grove and my sweet nieces

February 6, 2011

I got a text a couple of weeks ago from my niece Lanie…”Can you do our pic’s when you come out for our b-day present” um…. YES YES YES.  You will see in the photos below that these girls are just crazy beautiful and all sorts of fun. 
                                                              I simply love them. 

I have SO many memories with them…and most of them when they were super little. The bummer to being a bit further away. But one memory in particular, dancing to Shakira while holding Lanie who was probably about 18 months at the time.  I might have gone a bit crazy dancing around the house…but she had the sweetest laugh.  I still remember Kate’s face (my sister and Lanie’s mom)…not sure if she should stop me or just go with it. 

With Josie, having her WANT me to do her hair.  Oh yes, this might have happened.  I would put only about 500 million little butterfly clips while she just sat there watching me and thinking I’m just the coolest.  Fast forward to now…she is ALMOST 15…and I’m thinking…where did all the time go.  Anyway, she happens to be AMAZING at doing hair and I kind of wish I asked her to do mine…

Both of these girls…family.  Happiness. Silly. Beautiful. Kind. Crazy. Funny. Sweet.  Just a few words to describe a bit of their personalities.  Like I said,    L.O.V.E. them.   I really just enjoy hanging out with them.  Whether its going to one of Josie’s soccer games, hearing about their school activities or watching them interact with my babies (ps. they just might be the most AMAZING teenager baby sitter’s I’ve ever seen). 

These photos…they make me smile…for a couple of reasons.  The first one, well, its snowing outside and these pictures just make me think of sunshine so…yes, bring on the smiles.  And number two, alone time with my nieces…my crazy super cool nieces.  And that to me is priceless…Enjoy some of our pics from that afternoon. 



  1. jen says:

    LOVE them! 🙂 beautiful! 🙂

  2. DeanO says:

    lovely photographs – soft editing

  3. janet says:

    Great job…these are wonderful!

  4. the ones where they are gagging each other with oranges makes me laugh…and I just love the blurry one of them lying next to each other in the grove. Beautiful and fun. Thanks for doing these!

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